Thursday, July 06, 2023

PCS Jyoti Maurya | Alok Maurya

 बरेली में तैनात पीसीएस अधिकारी ज्योति मौर्य ने अपने पति आलोक मौर्य और ससुराल वालों पर दहेज उत्पीड़न समेत कई गंभीर धाराओं में केस दर्ज कराया है. इन दिनों बरेली में तैनात पीसीएस अधिकारी ज्योति मौर्य और उनके पति आलोक मौर्य के बीच का विवाद सुर्खियों में छाया हुआ है. यहाँ अगर बात की जाये कुछ वाहियात और खाली बैठे लोगों की तो उन्होंने इस विवाद को बहुत अच्छे से भुनाया है, आम को खास बता कर सोशल मीडिया से लेकर youtube पर काफी नाम भी कमा रहे है....... जहाँ एक गायक इस मुद्दे पर गाना बना कर लोगों के बीच सुर्ख़ियों में हैं.

ये बात कितनी सही है और कितनी गलत यह आप कमेंट में बतायें|

Kedarnath Agarwal Jeevan Aur Vayaktitv | केदारनाथ अग्रवाल जीवन और व्यक्तित्व

केदारनाथ अग्रवाल

प्रगतिवादी काव्यधारा के कवि केदारनाथ अग्रवाल की कविताएँ पूर्णतः मानवीय बोध की कविताएँ हैं। यह मानवीय बोध इतना विराट है कि इसमें समस्त जीवन, प्रकृति और व्यापक मानवीय चेतना समाहित है। इनकी कविताओं में लोक-जीवन के रंग की पड़ताल वस्तुतः उनके काव्य-संसार में प्रवेश कर आत्मतत्त्व को प्रकाशित करने का प्रयत्न है। इनकी प्रकाशित- युग की गंगा (1947), नींद के बादल (1947), लोक और आलोक (1957), फूल नहीं रंग बोलते हैं (1965), कहें केदार खरी-खरी (1983 सं० अशोक त्रिपाठी), जमनु जल तुम ( 1984 सं० अशोक त्रिपाठी), आदि दसाधिक कृतियों में आम आदमी के जीवन की विविधता जिस प्रकार रूपायित हुई है, उसे देखकर यह शोधपरक दृष्टि बन पाई है कि कवि ने लोक-जीवन के रंगों का सर्वाधिक चमकदार पक्ष प्रस्तुत किया है। कवि केदार के संदर्भ में यह बात आम है कि उनकी कविता जीवन के भीतर के स्पन्दन की कथा है। मूर्त हो या अमूर्त, जीव हो या जगत् पता नहीं किस स्रोत से कवि उनके भीतर की धड़कन को ढूँढ़ निकालता है और फिर अपनी कविता रूपी चाक पर विविध आकृतियों के पात्र गढ़ते चले जाते हैं। इनकी कविताओं में पात्र अपने नाम के साथ नहीं बल्कि अपने वर्ग के साथ, सामूहिकता - बोध का गर्व धारण कर उपस्थित होते हैं। वे चेतना का पूंज बनकर नव-निर्माण की दिशा तय करते हैं। केन कूल की मिट्टी की सोंधी खुशबू बिखेरती इनकी कविताएँ लोकजीवन के विराट दृश्य को भी बखूबी उकेरती है। जो जीवन की धूल चाटकर बड़ा हुआ है' उनकी कविता का एक-एक कण जीवन के मटमैलेपन को रेखांकित करता है।

1. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ : 'गुलमेंहदी परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1978
2.अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ : 'फूल नहीं रंग बोलते हैं, साहित्य भंडार,इलाहाबाद, 2009 
3.अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ: पंख और पतवार, परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1979
4. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ 'आग का आईना, परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1970
5. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ : 'हे मेरी तुम', परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1981
6. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ 'आत्मगंध', परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1999
7.अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ : 'खुली आँखें खुले डैने, साहित्य भंडार,इलाहाबाद, 2009
8. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ 'अनहारी हरियाली, साहित्य भण्डार, इलाहाबाद, 2009
9. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ : 'मांझी न बजाओ बंशी', सं. ओम निश्चल, किताबघर प्रकाशन, दिल्ली, 2016
10. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ (सं.): 'नींद के बादल', 'गुलमेंहदी' परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1978
11. अग्रवाल, केदारनाथ 'युग की गंगा', परिमल प्रकाश, इलाहाबाद

सहायक ग्रंथ :

1 अशेरी, डॉ अतिया केदारनाथ अग्रवाल का काव्य संसार गरिमा प्रकाशन, कानपुर, 2015

2-तिवारी, डॉ. अजय (संपा.)केदारनाथ अग्रवाल परिमल केदारनाथ अग्रवाल परिमल केदारनाथ अग्रवाल परिमल

3-तिवारी, अजय प्रगतिशील कविता के सौन्दर्य-मूल्य परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1984 3

4 दईया पीयूष (स.) लोक, भारतीय लोक कला मंडल, उदयपुर, राजस्थान, 2002

5. पुण्डरीक, नरेंद्र (स.) मेरे साक्षात्कार-केदारनाथ अग्रवाल, किताबघर प्रकाशन, दिल्ली, 2009

6. बिष्ट, प्रताप सिंह (सं.) आजकल प्रकाशन विभाग, सूचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्रालय, दिल्ली, अप्रैल, 1995

7-मधुछंदा: श्रम का सौन्दर्यशास्त्र और केदारनाथ अग्रवाल का केदारनाथ अग्रवाल परिमल

 प्रकाशन, इलाहाबाद, 1992

8. हंस, कृष्णलाल प्रगतिवादी काव्य साहित्य मध्य प्रदेश हिंदी ग्रंथ अकादमी, भोपाल, 1971

9. शर्मा, रामविलास प्रगतिशील काव्यधारा और केदारनाथ अग्रवाल परिमल प्रकाशन, इलाहाब…

Sunday, August 09, 2020

What Is Annexure K || What Is Exempted And Unexempted Company || Exempted और Unexempted कंपनी क्या होती है,

Exempted (Trust) और Unexempted कंपनी क्या होती है, और हमें Annexure-k की ज़रूरत कब पड़ती है..?
Exempted Company- (EPFO छूट प्राप्त कंपनीयां) जो कंपनी अपना PFTrust खुद बनाये रखते है, और अपने प्रत्येक (Employee) कर्मचारीयों के PF का पैसा EPFO में न जमा कर के PF का लेखा जोखा स्वयं करते हैं, 
Unexempted Company- ऐसी कंपनीयां जो अपने (Employee) कर्मचारियों के PF का पैसा EPFO में जमा करते हैं, और PF का पैसा EPFO द्वारा देखा जाता हैं, 
Download Annexure-K
Annexure-K- तो बात करते है Annexure-K की इसकी ज़रूरत हमें तब पड़ती हैं, जब हम किसी Unexempted कंपनी से Exempted कंपनी में जाते हैं, हम अपने UAN Portal पे जा कर ऑनलाइन एक कंपनी से दूसरी कंपनी में अपने PF का पैसा ट्रांसफर कर लेते हैं, लेकिन जब हम किसी Exempted कंपनी में PF का पैसा ट्रांस्फर करते हैं, तब हमें Annexure-K की ज़रूरत पड़ती है, क्युकी यह हम ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड नहीं कर सकते, Unexempted कंपनी में हम अपना पास बुक देख सकते हैं, लेकिन Exempted कंपनी में हम अपने UAN Portal पर जा कर अपना पास बुक नहीं देख सकते, क्युकी Exempted कंपनी हमारा PF खुद मेन्टेन करती है, और अपनी कंपनी के किसी लिंक पर हमारा PF, Pension, और हमारी Salary मेन्टेन करती हैं, जब हम Exempted कंपनी में जाते हैं, तो कंपनी हमारी पिछली कंपनी के विवरण के लिए Annexure-k मांगती हैं, जिसमे हमारी पिछली कंपनी में हमारे कार्यकाल, PF, EPS, का पूरा लेखा जोखा होता हैं,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ShopClues Fraud Lucky Draw Winner 1Lakh to 10Lakh Prize Amount.....

हेलो फ्रेंड्स,
ShopClues Lucky Draw Coupon 
माना कि भारत में बेरोजगारी बहुत हैं, लेकिन उसका सॉल्यूशन यह नहीं हैं, की आप किसी भी मासूम को धोखा दे कर पैसे कमायें...!अब एक औऱ धोखेबाज गैंग सामने आया है, जो मानी जानी कंपनी Shopclues Online Home Shoping (शॉपकलुएस) जो कि ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग करने की कंपनी हैं, यह आपको क़भी कंपनी क़े नाम से आपके मोबाइल नम्बर पर मैसेज के ज़रिये या क़भी आपको भारतीय डांक क़े ज़रिये से आपको लकी ड्रॉ का झांसा दे कर आपसे पैसा माँगती हैं, ऐसा काम यह लोग पिछले कई महीनों से कर रहें हैं, तो आप भी हो जाओ ज़रा सावधान..! इस दुनिया में जहाँ हम भिखारी को उसकी हालत देखकर उस बेचारे को पहले यह नसीहतें देतें हैं क़े भाई कुछ काम धंधा कर या ज़्यादा तरस आया तो उसे पाँच- दस रुपये देतें हैं, तो आप बताइये की कौन सी कंपनी आपको फ्री में किसी भी प्रकार से 1 लाख या उससे अधिक रकम या  मूल्य का आपको इनाम देगी......?

                     Hello friends and customers,

                         Online Shopping 
 I once ordered some stuff from, but it was not what I expected, so I requested to send it back, after a lot of effort it was picked up after about twenty days, again  A few days later a message came to my mobile number saying that I am getting a car from in the lucky draw, the number which came on my mobile, I called the person who called me  He received the phone confirming this but he asked me to deposit 6000 rupees in his account, I understood that this is a fraud, recently I got a letter at my home address saying that I had 1100000  Seeing that letter, I also felt that it might be right because there were two cards with that letter, one card had a lucky draw of 100000 rupees, and the other was a scratch coupon, my scratch  After that coupon had a prize of 1000000 lakhs, when I called the number given, I was told that you deposit 0.5 percent amount in their bank account only then you will get the winning money .. I understand that this is someone who trying to cheating me, because when someone puts any kind of money in your account, then you have to deduct whatever amount of tax you have to pay in the same amount, please share this message to others and comment me if your any suggestion ..

(Ankur Sharma Prayagraj)

ShopClues Scratch Coupon & Mobile Messages

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Fake Mail's For Money Transfer (Mail from
दोस्तों कभी कभी आपके मेल अकाउंट में ऐसे मेल आते हैं, की भारत का कोई व्यापारी या कोई कर्मचारी विदेश में काम करता था, और अचानक उसकी मृत्यु हो गई जिसका कोई वारिस नहीं हैं, और उसकी मेहनत की कमाई सरकारी खजाने में जाने से बेहतर हैं की वह पैसे आपको मिल जाये, यह मेल अक्सर या @bk.ur से आते है, कृपया कर इस प्रकार के झूठे मेल के चक्कर में कभी भी न पड़े. आपके पास जो मेल आते हैं वह कुछ इस प्रकार से होते हैं की आप थोड़ी देर के लिए भर्म  में भी पड़ जाते होंगे की क्या सही में यह सच हैं, तो आइये मैं आपको बताता हूँ की किस प्रकार से ऐसे मेल आपको अपने विश्वास में लेते हैं..... 
1-पहला मेल........ 
Hello Friend, Compliment of the day, I got your contact information from a reputable business/professional directory of your country which gives me assurance of your legibility as a person. I send you this brief letter to solicit your partnership to transfer £ 3,517,000.00 (Three Million, Five Hundred & Seventeen Thousand Pounds) from UK to your country. I shall furnish you with more info when I get a positive reply from you. Reply me Via Email:  if you are interested

Best Regards,
Mr. Dennis Jim Frederick

जब आप इस मेल का जवाब दोगे तो दूसरा मेल आयेगा।

2-दूसरा मेल......  
Dear Friend,I sincerely apologize for intruding into your privacy, especially by contacting you through this means for a business transaction of this magnitude. For this reasons, I want our communication to be basically through email for now. I got your contact from a reputable business/profession directory in your Country and I want you to partner with me in getting back the money £3,100,000 Pounds (Three Million, One Hundred Thousand Pounds) left behind in a fixed deposit account in our bank by a citizen of your country, Mr. SATYENDRA CHANDRA SEKHAR. If this will endanger your position and reputation, I would not have contacted you. This is safe and beneficial. I am presently the Foreign Operations Manager of our bank in London England and please do not expose this transaction for any reason, I will give you more information of myself, our bank and the transaction itself once you write again. Late Mr. Satyendra Chandra Sekhar was an Indian Nationality who once lived and worked in London as an international businessman. He deposited in our bank the sum of £ 3,100,000 Pounds (Three Million, One Hundred Thousand Pounds) as fixed deposit. This deposit has long matured and has gone dormant for about four years. We have tried to reach him and could not. His telephone number could not be reached, emails sent to him kept bouncing back as undelivered and we never got any response from the letters posted to his residential address. This issue prompted me to carry out an independent investigation about his whereabouts since he did not provide a next of kin or beneficiary at the time he made the deposit with us due to the sensitive nature of Private Banking norms, most customers don't nominate next of kin in their investment, also usually in most cases leave their WILLS in our care. Subsequently, I later realized with shook that he died sometime in November 2010 of heart related illness in a London hospital. His death was not reported to our bank from that time till this moment and nobody in our bank is aware of this. He was a kind hearten man and gives money out freely. I pray his gentle soul rest in peace. However, I have on my own made several inquiries at your embassy (High Commission) and no information of him was found, which I found weird. My effort to locating any of his relatives took me to your country and the regional passport office in New Delhi (FRRO) informed me that the passport number was not issued there. Since this is the issue, I want you to apply as the next of kin of the deceased (Mr. Satyendra Chandra Sekhar) to claim the deposit from our bank since it is assumed he was from India and died intestate; with no identifiable family member. It does not matter whether you knew him or not, it does not matter if you have any kind of relationship with him or not. I will guide you all the way to make this claim. This is not a matter of being greedy or having ugly morals, it is not the best to leave the money to eventually end up in Government hands while we have the opportunity to live better with it. This is a 100 % risk free transaction. And it will undergo normal and legal banking laws in accordance with the parameters of the Indian Government, as I am the Operations Manager of our bank and the final approval of your application will be done by my department. Once it is approved, you will have the right to claim the money. And when it is transferred to you, I will come to meet with you in any Country where you are in order to have my own share of the money which will be into two equal parts; 50% for you and 50% for me after deducting all cost I have incurred in getting the money. With my influence, our bank will tender the necessary documents to appropriate authorities as well as your Bank to enable a smooth transfer of the money into your bank account. Everything will be done legally, have no fear about this. Right now, I have all the satisfactory copies of the documents relating to the fixed deposit late Mr. Chandra Sekhar made that you will file to back up this claim. All I require now is your honest cooperation and willingness to enable us make this claim and we have to do this within shortest time possible. If you are willing to do this with me, write back and I shall send you all the relevant DETAILS that will lead to the successful transfer of this money, and as well inform you on what next to do. If nothing is done immediately, the money will be out of my bank's portfolio and returned to the government treasury as an abandoned fund and we will gain nothing from it. I am waiting for your consent in order to move to the next step towards getting the fund. Thank you and I am waiting. Best regards, Mr. Dennis Jim Frederick

आपको विश्वास में लेने के लिए यह अपने कंपनी का  आई कार्ड भी भेज देंगे की आपको विश्वास हो जाये की यह मेल सही हैं... 
3- तीसरा मेल....... 

Thanks for your quick response. In my quest to make sure that late Mr.Chandra Sekhar hard earned money doesn't end up in wrong hands whereas someone such as you and I could make use of the money for the betterment of life, properties and a great benefit to both of us and even our families in the near future. I work with Sainsbury’s-Foreign Exchange - Bank United Kingdom (SFEB). It is an Investment / Forex Bank affiliated with Sainsbury's Bank plc headquartered in United Kingdom Like I have mentioned in my previous mail to you, that with my influence, our bank will tender the necessary documents to appropriate authorities in your country, as well as your Bank to enable a smooth transfer of the money to your account. Everything will be done legally, have no fear about this, secondly, Mr.Chandra Sekhar did not declare any next of kin in the fixed deposit account documents he made with our bank, as long as the deposit documents with our bank is concerned, he has no next of kin recorded in them, you are free of any trouble or risk, this I assure you. However, I am glad to have your consent in making this important claim with me, it is a serious transaction and should be taken as such at all times, I am certain that in less than 14 bank working days the money will be in your chosen bank account. You will only have to follow my directives to avoid mistakes in the process of making the claim. The truth about the whole issue is that our bank will turn this deposit to the national treasury if this claim is not made before
January 27th, 2018 and it is important we act quickly in applying for the claim of the fixed deposit. As I previously assured you, you stand no risk of any kind in this because I am 100% sure that once you file in an application, that it will be expressly processed and approved since it is my department that will approve it. It does not matter if you have any relationship with late Mr.Chandra Sekhar or not, you do not have to worry for any reason. All I require is your honest co-operation and willingness to activate the fixed deposit account which has gone dormant and to give me my own share of the money once it is transferred into your bank account. Another important thing is for you to keep this transaction to yourself, it is very important that you maintain a strict confidentiality regarding this transaction to avoid third party complications. To tell you a little of myself, I was born on the 19th day of November, 1958. I am an England citizen. Although, I am originally from New Castle England but I have lived and worked in London for years with my wife and two daughters, I love my family very well and would not want to disappoint them for any reason. If I am not sure of what I am doing, I cannot be doing this. Take this transaction very serious and be careful to avoid mistakes. Any email you receive from our bank should first be forwarded to me so I can read it and advise you on it before you give a reply to it. Due to the time difference between here and your country, I do not see any chance of our bank calling you on phone. If however you are called, always tell them to send you email by claiming you do not understand their spoken English well. This is basically to avoid been asked questions you cannot give the rights answers and thereby jeopardize our chances of getting the money. Even if they tell you to come in person to England, tell them you cannot come in person because of your busy schedule. These important roles are what you are to play, once you do them, be assured that we will receive the money and this will go a long way to help our finances when shared  between us. The next thing you will do is to write an application letter of claim which you will have to send to our bank through email. The application letter of claim will come with Two attached documents; the Certificate of Deposit and late Mr.Chandra Sekhar Death Certificate. I got the documents from his file with us, except the Death Certificate. But then, Please kindly reconfirm the below information to me because I want to be sure that I am transacting with the correct person and in my next mail, I will send you the all the documents and our bank e mail address.
1) Full Names:
2) Age and Marital Status:
3) Address, City and State:
4) Profession:
5) Direct mobile number:
Hope you will understand why I need all the above stated? Because the money in question is quite large and I want to ensure that I know you well before I proceed to give you all the details with which you can contact our bank to facilitate fund transfer, I hope you will get back to me soon enough. And I assure you that once my department make the necessary endorsement in regard of your application and also approve it, the money will be paid into any bank account you may provide, regardless of where the account is and I will join you for my own share. If there is anything you do not understand or wish to ask, you are to write and ask so I can have the issue cleared. For security reasons, please keep every communication I share with you regarding this transaction secret and confidential to yourself till the money get to your bank account. Attached is my ID card as a guarantee that this is a legitimate transaction. Mr. Dennis Jim  Frederick

जब आप इस मेल का जवाब दोगे तो आपको अपने और विश्वास में लेने के लिए वह आपको विदेश में रहने वाले भारतीय का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट भी भेजेगा।
यह किसी सत्येंद्र चंद्र शेखर का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट और उसका डिपाजिट सर्टिफिकेट हैं....  ये सब भेजने के बाद आपको एक मेल और आएगा। Greetings to you and your family, this is in regards to your mail, Do be informed that my Bank will not ask you much question because the money is your beneficiary funds, Now I thank you for showing some great responsibility and trust, I believe we will be able to maintain the mutual trust we are building on our selves, I promise this transaction will be over in just few days if you work hard and are able to take care of our ends at the right time, However, you must be assured of your responsibilities because I do not want any disappointment at the middle of this project. Therefore, I do hope you still realized the magnitude of this business and the need for us to maintain the confidentiality strictly.
     Kindly be informed that you have to contact my Bank that you are the beneficiary of the late Mr. Chandra Sekhar' s funds which is a total sum of 3,100,000.00 (Three Million, One Hundred Thousand Pounds). You do not have to face any problem and all documents put in place.

     Attached Herewith is the death certificate of Mr. Chandra Sekhar and the deposit certificate with which Mr. Chandra Sekhar has deposited the sum of 3,100,000.00 Pounds with/in our Bank Sainsbury's Forex Bank plc. United Kingdom you have to contact my Bank with the attached certificates for clarification, verification and approval purposes, kindly be informed that it cost me so much to acquire this certificates that was why i delayed

Here below is the contact information to facilitate your communication with my Bank:
Name of Bank: Sainsbury's Forex Bank plc.
Email Address:
Contact Person: Mr. David Morgan Kindly contact them with the following information; your Full Names, Full Address, Contact Telephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number if any) please do make contact with the Bank immediately so they can proceed with the transfer process as soon as possible , also send to my bank the certificate which i attached here okay
I call you brother so that we both understand that our trust in each other is that of blood.
 God BLESS you for your positive resolve to affect our lives
Best regards, Mr. Dennis Jim Frederick.... 

तो दोस्तों इस प्रकार के फेक मेल से बचे.... आज के कलयुग में आपको फ्री में कोई दौलत देने वाला नहीं हैं.... 
दोस्तों कभी कभी आपके मेल अकाउंट में ऐसे मेल आते हैं, की भारत का कोई व्यापारी या कोई कर्मचारी विदेश में काम करता था, और अचानक उसकी मृत्यु हो गई जिसका कोई वारिस नहीं हैं, और उसकी मेहनत की कमाई सरकारी खजाने में जाने से बेहतर हैं की वह पैसे आपको मिल जाये, यह मेल अक्सर या @bk.ur से आते है, कृपया कर इस प्रकार के झूठे मेल के चक्कर में कभी भी न पड़े. आपके पास जो मेल आते हैं वह कुछ इस प्रकार से होते हैं की आप थोड़ी देर के लिए भर्म  में भी पड़ जाते होंगे की क्या सही में यह सच हैं, तो आइये मैं आपको बताता हूँ की किस प्रकार से ऐसे मेल आपको अपने विश्वास में लेते हैं..... 

यह किसी सत्येंद्र चंद्र शेखर का डेथ सर्टिफिकेट और उसका डिपाजिट सर्टिफिकेट हैं....  ये सब भेजने के बाद आपको एक मेल और आएगा। Greetings to you and your family, this is in regards to your mail, Do be informed that my Bank will not ask you much question because the money is your beneficiary funds, Now I thank you for showing some great responsibility and trust, I believe we will be able to maintain the mutual trust we are building on our selves, I promise this transaction will be over in just few days if you work hard and are able to take care of our ends at the right time, However, you must be assured of your responsibilities because I do not want any disappointment at the middle of this project. Therefore, I do hope you still realized the magnitude of this business and the need for us to maintain the confidentiality strictly.
     Kindly be informed that you have to contact my Bank that you are the beneficiary of the late Mr. Chandra Sekhar' s funds which is a total sum of 3,100,000.00 (Three Million, One Hundred Thousand Pounds). You do not have to face any problem and all documents put in place.

     Attached Herewith is the death certificate of Mr. Chandra Sekhar and the deposit certificate with which Mr. Chandra Sekhar has deposited the sum of 3,100,000.00 Pounds with/in our Bank Sainsbury's Forex Bank plc. United Kingdom you have to contact my Bank with the attached certificates for clarification, verification and approval purposes, kindly be informed that it cost me so much to acquire this certificates that was why i delayed

Here below is the contact information to facilitate your communication with my Bank:
Name of Bank: Sainsbury's Forex Bank plc.
Email Address:
Contact Person: Mr. David Morgan Kindly contact them with the following information; your Full Names, Full Address, Contact Telephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number if any) please do make contact with the Bank immediately so they can proceed with the transfer process as soon as possible , also send to my bank the certificate which i attached here okay
I call you brother so that we both understand that our trust in each other is that of blood.
 God BLESS you for your positive resolve to affect our lives
Best regards, Mr. Dennis Jim Frederick.... 

तो दोस्तों इस प्रकार के फेक मेल से बचे.... आज के कलयुग में आपको फ्री में कोई दौलत देने वाला नहीं हैं....