Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ShopClues Fraud Lucky Draw Winner 1Lakh to 10Lakh Prize Amount.....

हेलो फ्रेंड्स,
ShopClues Lucky Draw Coupon 
माना कि भारत में बेरोजगारी बहुत हैं, लेकिन उसका सॉल्यूशन यह नहीं हैं, की आप किसी भी मासूम को धोखा दे कर पैसे कमायें...!अब एक औऱ धोखेबाज गैंग सामने आया है, जो मानी जानी कंपनी Shopclues Online Home Shoping (शॉपकलुएस) जो कि ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग करने की कंपनी हैं, यह आपको क़भी कंपनी क़े नाम से आपके मोबाइल नम्बर पर मैसेज के ज़रिये या क़भी आपको भारतीय डांक क़े ज़रिये से आपको लकी ड्रॉ का झांसा दे कर आपसे पैसा माँगती हैं, ऐसा काम यह लोग पिछले कई महीनों से कर रहें हैं, तो आप भी हो जाओ ज़रा सावधान..! इस दुनिया में जहाँ हम भिखारी को उसकी हालत देखकर उस बेचारे को पहले यह नसीहतें देतें हैं क़े भाई कुछ काम धंधा कर या ज़्यादा तरस आया तो उसे पाँच- दस रुपये देतें हैं, तो आप बताइये की कौन सी कंपनी आपको फ्री में किसी भी प्रकार से 1 लाख या उससे अधिक रकम या  मूल्य का आपको इनाम देगी......?

                     Hello friends and customers,

                         Online Shopping 
 I once ordered some stuff from, but it was not what I expected, so I requested to send it back, after a lot of effort it was picked up after about twenty days, again  A few days later a message came to my mobile number saying that I am getting a car from in the lucky draw, the number which came on my mobile, I called the person who called me  He received the phone confirming this but he asked me to deposit 6000 rupees in his account, I understood that this is a fraud, recently I got a letter at my home address saying that I had 1100000  Seeing that letter, I also felt that it might be right because there were two cards with that letter, one card had a lucky draw of 100000 rupees, and the other was a scratch coupon, my scratch  After that coupon had a prize of 1000000 lakhs, when I called the number given, I was told that you deposit 0.5 percent amount in their bank account only then you will get the winning money .. I understand that this is someone who trying to cheating me, because when someone puts any kind of money in your account, then you have to deduct whatever amount of tax you have to pay in the same amount, please share this message to others and comment me if your any suggestion ..

(Ankur Sharma Prayagraj)

ShopClues Scratch Coupon & Mobile Messages